Our herd participates in monthly milk test, linear appraisal and local & National shows! We will be updating photos in spring 2025, please check back often for updates!
DOB: 4/18/2018
ADGA PD1974304
Sire: The Jack of Spades
Dam: SGCH Creeping Thyme Farm Thelma 2*M
Show Wins: Grand Champion x2, Best of Breed x2 - 8/4/24, Reserve Champion x1 - 7/28/24
LA 2024 - EEEE 91 - permanent score
Scarlet joined our herd in 9/23 and quickly rose to the top and has become a foundation doe with several daughters in the herd. She excels in the show ring and in the milk pail with lactations over 1000lb. She has a strong back and stands on excellent feet and legs. Her mammary system is well attached with excellent rear udder height.
DOB: 03/29/2016
ADGA: D1803625
Sire: SG NC Promisedland SS Deviant ++*B
Dam: SG Proctor Hill Farm Bittersweet 1*M
ADGA Superior Genetics Designation
Elite Doe 97% percentile since 2019
AR milk star achieved as a FF in 2018
Show wins
Reserve Champion 7/23/23
Linear appraisal
7/3/23 5F VEEV90 with an E in rump permanent Score
Obi, my herd queen, my first "true dairy goat", John thought I lost my mind when I paid $800 for her back in 2019 and I would do it all over again!
DOB: 1/10/2021
ADGA PD2153412
Sire: Old Mountain Farm JustPlainJoe
Dam: GCH 5*M FeatherNSCale BE Wapiti VEEE91
Show wins:
Grand Champion, Best in Breed, Best Doe in Show 7/23/23
Linear Appaisal
7/30/24 2F VEEE90
Libby is a herd favorite despite her slightly twitchy personality, lol. Libby has beautiful confirmation and great milk production despite kidding with singles as a FF & 2F.
DOB: 3/30/2020
ADGA PD2104047
Sire: Rebelwood PD Nero
Dam: Doubletree APU Nutmeg 1*M
Linear Appraisal
7/30/24 3F EEEV90
Cinnamon is a powerful doe standing on excellent feet and legs with amazing body capacity and length. She also has one of the widest rumps in our herd!
DOB: 3/5/2021
ADGA PD2241107
Sire: Last Resort Deal Me In
Dam: Bending Birch Farm Scarlet 3*M EEEE91 Elite
Brandy is a very dairy doe and a powerhouse in the milk pail, she milked 7lb on her highest test days in 2024. She has an excellent back and stands on strong feet and legs with a long neck and flat, open ribs.
DOB: 3/8/2023
ADGA PD2298309
Sire: Wood Bridge Farm Unbound Merit *B
Dam: Hilltown Meadows Sunshine Lady
Show wins: Grand Champion x1 - 8/4/24
Dazey is a beautiful promising young doe who will be a first freshener in spring 2025. She won her dry leg this summer and I look forward to showing her as a milker in 2025.
DOB: 4/12/2023
ADGA 2323984
Sire: Tiny Hill Farm Romeo *B
Dam: This & That Acres Brandy 1*D
Show wins: Reserve Champion x2 - 7/28/28 & 8/4/24
Bambi is an eye catching beautiful young doe with a promising future in our herd. She won 2 reserve championships this past summer and I am excited to show her next year as a first freshening 2 yo old milker. Her dam Brandy milked 1000lb as a first freshener and peaked at 7lb on test as a first freshener. I expect Bambi to excel in the ring and in the milk pail.
DOB: 4/12/2020
ADGA PD 2104050
Sire: Rebelwood PD Nero
Dam: SG Rebelwood DEV SweetDisobedient 2*M VEEV 90
Linear appraisal 2023 - VVEG 87
Bo is a powerful doe that has it all, length, depth and one of the widest rumps in our herd. She has been out to a few shows and never placed lower than 3rd. She was dry for 2024 but has bred bred for 2025 and will be on our show string as a 5yo 3rd freshener. We also hope to have her appraised again in 2025.
DOB: 6/12/2023
ADGA PD2340608
Sire: GardenViewFarm D LiveFreeOrDie *B
Dam: GardenViewFarm JPJ LadyLiberty 1*D VEEE90
Betsy is a beautiful young doe who will be a first freshener in 2025. She is one of our first Red daughters to freshen and we are excited to see her as a milker and possibly head out on the show circut with her dam Libby.
DOB: 3/10/2022
ADGA PD2231289
Sire: Tiny Hill Farm MoonageDayDream *B
Dam: Tiny Hill Farm MiniMiniPowPow! 6*M
Juliet was a first freshener and she came out swinging in the milk pail, milking 5lb & 6lb on her first two milk tests! Unfortunately she became sick due to mastitis in the right half of her udder. We fought for her life and we won. She kidded with triplet doelings and 2 out of 3 remained here on the farm. Juliet will remain dry for 2025 and we plan to breed her again in the fall of 2025.
DOB: 7/12/2020
ADGA PD2176610
Sire: Rebelwood D Long Shot +*B
Dam: SGCH Rebelwood O Sweet Bodhi Tree 2*M
Holly came here in July 2022 as a promising first freshener with her twin doelings. Unfortunately, Holly has appeared to abort her pregnancies for the last 2 years. She has been bred this fall and we have our fingers crossed that she will carry this pregnancy to the end. Holly has gained some weight in her dry years and we hope that she will milk it off this spring.
DOB: 5/24/2022
ADGA PD2249175
Sire: Rebelwood LS Trick's Gambit
Dam: Rebelwood LS Sweet Hollyhock
Linear appraisal - GGVA82
Jackie is a first freshener this year who did very well with her first year milking. She freshened with beautiful twins and her daughter Kitty is a barn favorite and a keeper! Jackie will not be bred for 2025.
DOB: 3/25/2023
ADGA PD2298310
Sire: Wood Bridge Farm Unbound Merit *B
Dam: Hilltown Meadows Sugar Bay
Sugar is a beautiful doe from lines with great show and milking potential. Sugar will be bred for spring 2025.
DOB: 4/7/2020
ADGA PD2104051
Sire: Duagwyn SC Millenium Falcon
Dam: Dragon Den Dairy Toast 1*M
Peppa is a nice doe with average production, she was left dry this past year and will not be bred this year. Peppa is available for a new barn with or without her papers.
DOB: 5/15/2016
ADGA PD1932669
Sire: Doubletree All Puckered Up
Dam: Doubletree Daiquiri
Nutmeg is one of the first does I started the herd with back in 2017. Nutmeg has given me beautiful daughters and one of my most successful homegrown does, Cinnamon. Nutmeg is not a show girl, she hates leaving the barn! She is bred for 2025 and I hope to get a final appraisal on her as it has been several years. Enjoy a throwback picture of Nutmeg, this is shortly after I brought her home!
DOB: 6/12/2023
ADGA PD2332699
Sire: GardenViewFarm D LiveFreeOrDie *B
Dam: Dolly's Dwarfs N Cinnamon 2*M EEEV90
Aspen will be a first freshener in 2025 and she is one of our first Red daughters to freshen. Her dam Cinnamon is one of our best does who could use some improvement in her rear udder height and we are hoping that Red brought this to Aspen. We are excited to see what she can do in the spring.
DOB: 5/10/2021
ADGA PD 2215994
Sire: Duagwyn SC Millenium Falcon
Dam: Doubletree APU Nutmeg
Dottie is a lovely doe with a great topline and nice feet and legs. She has the best mammory system out of all of the Falcon daughters that have freshened here. Dottie was kept dry this year but is bred for 2025 and I am looking forward to having her appraised again.
DOB: 3/7/2022
ADGA PD2234251
Sire: Rebelwood XM Gimme Three Steps *B
Dam: SG Rebelwood J Summer Bonsai 1*M
Jolene was a first freshener this year who did a great job on the milk stand and had a very nice first freshening mammary system. Jolene comes from strong milking lines with her dam producing 1000lb in a lactation. Jolene may be left dry this coming year but we shall see.
DOB: 3/20/2021
ADGA PD2241157
Sire: This & That Acres Toblerone *B
Dam: This & That Acrtes Faylen 1*M
Mocha is a pretty and petite doe who freshened in 2023 for the first time with a beautiful balanced udder. She was kept dry in 2024 and will be bred for spring kids.
DOB: 6/15/2021
ADGA PD2215990
Sire: Rebelwood ILF Heartbreaker
Dam: Rebelwood O Desert Chokecherry 1*M
Rubyis a pretty doe who freshened for the first time in 2023 with a nice mammary system and did well on the stand. Ruby is a granddaughter of SG NC Promisedland RC Odyssey. She was kept dry in 2024 and will be bred for spring kids.
DOB: 6/15/23
ADGA PD2332700
Sire: GardenViewFarm D LiveFreeOrDie *B
Dam: Dolly's Dwarfs Cherry Pie O My
Creamsicle is a sweet doe and one that my husband decided to keep. She is one of our first fresheners for 2025, we are looking forward to seeing what she can do!
DOB: 2/10/2021
ADGA PD2213531
Sire: Rebelwood PD Nero
Dam: Doubletree Bella
Faith was born in the middle of the night, Faith was so small Bella did not notice she had been born and nearly laid down on her. I got to the barn within minutes but she was cold lying in fluids and not breathing well. I revived her, warmed her and fed her frequently. It took a couple of days but Faith recovered fully and was the cutest kid. Faith was a 2nd freshener this year and has done well on the stand. She has a lovely mammary system and earned her milk star easily. She will likely not be bred this fall.
DOB: 6/8/2023
ADGA PD2348437
Sire: Haymaker Farm Pollux
Dam: Dolly's Dwarfs MF Dottie
Portia is a beautiful doe and was part of our junior show string this summer and never placed lower than 3rd! We are excited to see her freshen and hopefully back in the ring next year!
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